Mama’s got a brand new flavah!

Introducing Peppermint Hot Chocolate body scrub! Tis the season for cozying up with some hot chocolate & watching your favourite holiday movie (my personal fave is A Christmas Story: “don’t shoot your eye out! #siblingtradition). Get your Love Yourself Be Yourself package orders in before the holidays come! Peace & Love ❤💫

p.s. Classic Vanilla, Decadent Chocoloate, & Soothing Lavendar scents are still available. Get it while supplies last!

Wellness Wednesday: Fill your cup….☕

Happy Wellness Wednesday 😍

You know that demonstration that the flight attendants give during take-off, where they show you how to put on your oxygen mask first then to the person next to you? This is so you can have enough oxygen to help the next person. Basically, Fill Your Cup first.

We can only pour from what is filled. Remind yourself daily through positive self affirmations & thinking well about yourself, being gentle with yourself, & just overall giving yourself the Love that you give to others. You are worthy of it.

When we don’t replenish our inner environments, we lose our Peace. We become everything to everyone, leaving ourselves out to dry & sometimes not even realizing it. Below are some positive self affirmations that you can use to help you fill your cup along your Peace(ful) journey. I use these too & find them helpful when I feel like I’m running on “E.”

“I am Love.”

“I am worthy of being treated with love & respect.”

“I have everything I need right here within.”

“I am enough.”

You can also schedule time for yourself to be with yourself. Get into a good book. Make a hot cup of coco & actually drink & enjoy it while it’s still warm (I can’t tell you the cups of tea that I forgot about from being too busy to even drink it while it’s still hot). Schedule a day in the week for yourself to do something you like doing. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, even going to the gym can be it. It just has to be something that brings you back to yourself so you can feel the fullness of being you, & ready to go again for another day.

For me, I have dedicated Wednesdays to be my Wellness & Writing nights, where I make a point to do some form of exercise (preferably Yoga) & make time to write (journalling, stories, poetry, etc). It makes a huge difference when it comes to giving back to me, and making sure I have what I need for myself after taking care of others all day. What do you like doing that can replenish your Peace? Share in the comments!

Have an amazing Wellness Wednesday my loves!😘 Love yourself & be yourself. Peace & Love ❤💫

“You have to fill your cup. You then give away the overflowing, but you keep a cupful for yourself.” – Wynonna Judd

Motivational Monday : And Still We Rise!

Happy Monday! And Still We Rise!

Another start to a new week, the Monday blues are quick to rear their heads, making the work week seem never-ending til Friday. Yet just like the Sun, we have thankfully risen for another day, another Fresh Start☀️

The ones of us that “hate” Mondays, & feel the dragging on of the day, how about choosing a different perspective. What if Mondays are your reminder to give focus to what positives lie ahead? What goals are we looking forward to work towards?

I am that one that says, “I will start Monday,” when it comes to some new goals like starting a new routine or activity. There are so many of us like this, I know. Yet we sometimes don’t start on Mondays (maybe Tuesday or Wednesday or just skip it til next Monday; dang procrastination🙈).

But we’re here! In all gratitude, we give thanks that we have risen to the occasion of a new day, filled with opportunities that we can utilize to help keep us moving forward. I am so thankful for this new Fresh Start this week, looking forward to implenting some new activities to maintain my Peace, & continuing on the journey in my writing & business ventures that I’ve been working on. Today, I implore you to do the same & rise to the occasion, to do or say whatever healthy, positive, & Peace(ful) act or mantra necessary that will get you through the days ahead (p.s. the New Moon cycle starts on Friday, a perfect time to set new goals or revamp previous one that you’re still working on😉).

On that note, Happy Monday! And Still We Rise! Love yourself & be yourself. Peace & Love ❤💫

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